Technical Aspects


Green Project NFTs are minted on a secure blockchain protocol, ensuring immutability and transparency. Smart contracts automate the distribution of carbon credits, proportionally allocating them based on NFT rarity and the amount of $AURI staked. The NFTs adhere to the ERC-1155 standard, for compatibility and interoperability across the blockchain ecosystem.

Regulatory Compliance and Verification

To ensure the legitimacy of our green initiatives, Aurica adopts a multi-tiered verification process. This includes working with industry-recognized certifiers such as Verra, Gold Standard, and Southpole, known for their stringent verification criteria in carbon offset projects. These certifiers conduct independent audits of projects to confirm their compliance with international standards on carbon reduction and environmental integrity. Additionally, Aurica plans to establish an internal committee comprising experts in environmental science, sustainability finance, and blockchain technology. This committee will regularly review projects for ongoing compliance and alignment with evolving environmental regulations and market standards.

User Experience and Impact Reporting

Aurica prioritizes user accessibility, offering an intuitive platform with educational resources to guide users through the NFT staking process. We are committed to regular impact reporting, providing NFT holders with updates on the environmental progress and carbon offset achievements of their supported projects.

Lifecycle and Allocation

The lifecycle of a Green Project NFT encompasses minting, staking, reward distribution, and project conclusion. Carbon credits are allocated using a transparent, smart-contract-driven mechanism that records each distribution on the blockchain, providing an auditable trail of environmental impact.

Monitoring, Reporting, and Future Plans

Continuous monitoring and real-time reporting systems are integrated to track the progress of green projects. Aurica is dedicated to evolving with the market, ensuring the NFT and carbon credit components are scalable and adaptable to meet future environmental and investor needs.

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