Technology & Security

Blockchain Infrastructure

Aurica is deployed on Ethereum.

Smart Contract Design and Functionality

Aurica's smart contracts are the backbone of the platform, enabling functionalities that include NFT minting, staking, and the bonding mechanism:

  • Minting and Staking Contracts: These contracts handle the creation of Green Project NFTs and manage the staking process, distributing rewards and ensuring accurate representation of users' stakes.

  • Bonding Mechanism: A smart contract governs the bonding process, ensuring it operates transparently and adheres to the predefined rules for token exchange and vesting periods.

  • Governance Protocols: Smart contracts facilitate governance actions, allowing token holders to propose, vote, and implement decisions within the ecosystem.

Security Measures and Audits

Security is paramount in Aurica’s operation. A multi-faceted approach ensures the platform's integrity and users' assets:

  • Regular Audits: Smart contracts and blockchain infrastructure undergo rigorous and regular security audits conducted by reputable third-party firms to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.

  • Bug Bounty Programs: These programs incentivize the community and security researchers to find and report potential security issues, strengthening the platform's defenses.

  • Multi-Signature Wallets: Critical operations, especially those involving Treasury management, require multi-signature verification, adding an extra layer of security against unauthorized transactions.

  • User Security Education: Aurica invests in user education campaigns to raise awareness about security best practices, like safekeeping private keys and recognizing phishing attempts.

The technological foundation of Aurica is built with a security-first approach, utilizing advanced blockchain infrastructure and smart contract protocols to safeguard the ecosystem. Through continuous security measures and community involvement, Aurica ensures a secure, transparent, and reliable platform for users to invest in green projects and participate in carbon credit markets.

Last updated